Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

  • Rs. 1,080.00
  • Ex Tax: Rs. 1,080.00

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Golden Pothos (Scientific -  Epipremnum Aureum | Sin - එපිප්රෙම්නම් ඕරියම්) is arguably the easiest of all house plant to grow, even if you are a person who forgets to water your plants. This trailing vine has pointed, heart-shaped green leaves, sometimes variegated with white, yellow, or pale green.It's an excellent plant for locations such as offices and dorm rooms.

These plants serve to purify the air of formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide while also helping eliminate odors. Pothos can also help alleviate eye irritation after long days of staring at screens



 Shade to part shade outdoors, bright indirect light indoors


 Well-drained potting soil


 Water between the complete soil dry outs 

 Needs a good drink when it starts to droop


 Feed monthly to bi-monthly with any balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic for Cats & Dogs*


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