Cutlass Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Cutlass)

Cutlass Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Cutlass)

  • Rs. 1,500.00
  • Ex Tax: Rs. 1,500.00

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Cutlass Chinese Evergreen (Scientific – Aglaonema Cutlass | Sin -ඇග්ලෝනෙමා කට්ලස් ) This plant has a retro-chic quality, It will tolerate more shade and cooler temparatures than other varieties,making it a useful,decorative addition across homes and offices.It has glossy dark-green leaves that are strikingly mabled with silvery green chevrons. Chinese evergreens grow relatively slowly and take a long time to outgrow their pots , meaning ongoing maintainance is minimal.


The Aglaonema helps to improve the air quality of your indoor spaces with the ability to filter indoor air pollutants and toxins. Furthermore, this gorgeous leafy indoor plant emits Oxygen, which assists in increasing productivity and enriching health and well-being both in living and working spaces.




 Low shade, Bright shade (Avoid direct sunlight)


 Well-draining, with lots of perlite or sand


 During Spring and Summer Water your plant thoroughly, then allow it to dry out before watering again.

 Tapering off in the winter (but never letting the plant dry out completely).


 Feed with slow-release pellets or liquid fertilizer twice a year, at the beginning and end of its growing season.


These plants can cause irritation if eaten and the sap is a skin and eye irritant. Keep out of reach of children and animals*



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